Taiwan B/W – first time using Agfa APX 100 (new emulsion)

Eventually winter is over and summer arrives in Taiwan. I used the first weeks of nice and sunny weather to take more black and white photos with the Olympus 35DC.

The film I used was the Agfa APX 100 b/w film. It is a quite cheap film compared to other b/w films, therefore I was a bit sceptic about the results. However, the photos turned out to be pretty awesome, in my opinion. The images are very fine grained (something I always appreciate), contrast and tonality are perfect to me. They also have a very nice “classic” black and white look. I am very happy with the Agfa APX 100 and will use it more.

I developed the film with slightly old and a bit brownish Kodak D-76 for 9 minutes at 20°C.

Enjoy the photos!


Roofing tiles of an old house




One of many small scooter repair shops.


Cages, cages everywhere. Taiwanese really love to put cages in front of their windows. I am thinking to make a whole series about them.




Photo was taken against the sun, hope there is something to recognize.


Zhongxiao East Road and Fuxing South Road intersection in Taipei. I am surprised that the night shot turned out so well.


Early morning in front of Taipei 101. The tourists are still having breakfast 😉