Photos from my neighborhood in Taipei

Here are some photos which I took recently in my neighborhood. The area is quite interesting to me, because it is a mix of old and new. Especially the small lanes offer a big contrast to the new shiny parts of Taipei. I like a lot to explore them. Sometimes it feels like being in a small town rather than in a big city.


A large open space where Taipei 101 is perfectly visible. This is also a great spot to watch the firework for New Year. I think it is only a matter of a few years until fancy apartment buildings will be constructed here.

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The Xinyi Assembly Hall (四四南村) more or less opposite of Taipei 101. The houses were build in 1948 as homes for workers from the military. Most of the buildings are demolished now and the remaining ones are used as shops or for events.

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Inside a lane near a nightmarket. The streets are used as workspace, storage, kitchen, …

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Exchanging news from the neighborhood 😉 Also drying clothes on the street is still very common in Taipei.

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A small temple hiding between high rise buildings.

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Typical old residential buildings in this area.

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