In the first part I wrote a little bit about the beginning and which films I tried. Here are a few more photos. Enjoy!
<Kodak Tri-X 400 & Minolta XD-7>
<Kodak Tri-X 400 & Minolta XD-7>
<Kodak Tri-X 400 & Minolta XD-7>
<Kodak Tri-X 400 & Minolta XD-7>
<Kodak Tri-X 400 & Minolta XD-7>
<Kodak T-Max 400 & Olympus 35DC>
<Kodak T-Max 100 & Minolta Dynax 505si super>
<Kodak T-Max 100 & Minolta Dynax 505si super>
<Kodak T-Max 100 & Minolta Dynax 505si super>
<Kodak T-Max 100 & Minolta Dynax 505si super>
Some final words
Black and white photography is a nice challenge for me. Learning to see the world in b/w is tricky. Scenes that look great in color, can look pretty dull in b/w. And the other way around, boring color scenes can turn out pretty interesting in b/w. A nice thing about b/w is that I can play more with geometry, shapes, and patterns.
I am still at the beginning and there is so much to try, other films, different filters, exposure…
Also the way I develop films has room for improvements. At the moment it is very basic, and I haven’t tried other developers than Kodak D-76, as well as variations of developing times and so.
And as usual, so many things to do but so less time 😉