Random Photos of Taipei #4 (Minolta XD 7 and Eastman Kodak Double-X Film 5222)
Another set of random photos from...

Bunte Stromkästen in Taiwan. Werden sie bald verschwunden sein? / Colorful power distributor boxes in Taiwan. Will they disappear soon?
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Things that look old (taken on Eastman 5222 aka Kodak Double-X)
Here I tried something different with...

Random Photos of Taipei #3: Horizon S3 Pro and Kodak Pro Image 100
Nach längerer Zeit habe ich wieder...

Redscale Taipei: Cityscapes
These are a few more redscale...

Redscale Taipei: Da’an Park MRT Station
Die Fotos habe ich an einem...

Random Photos of Taipei #2 and some comments about Fujicolor Natura 1600
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Cihu Mausoleum (慈湖陵寢) and Cihu Memorial Sculpture Park (慈湖紀念雕塑公園)
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Some random photos from Taipei
These are some photos which I...

kleine Tempelparade in Taipei / short temple parade in Taipei
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Taipei with Horizon S3 Pro and Fujicolor Industrial 100
After weeks of grey and rainy...

Taipei Street Photography: Exploring The Hidden Charm Of Everyday Life
Taipei’s streets blend the ordinary with the unexpected. This collection of Taipei street photography captures sights that make the city unique.