Last year (2016) I started to do some b/w photography, including developing the films by myself. When I started, the first question was, which film shall I take? There are much more b/w films available than color films. And the choice is really difficult. So in the end I walked into a shop and bought one roll of Ilford Pan 100, because it was cheap and I had to start somewhere. The second film I tried was Washi Z 400, which gave interesting results and I am thinking to give it a second try. After that I used a couple of rolls Kodak Tri-X 400. And my last rolls I tried were Kodak T-Max 100 and 400, which I liked most. I still have Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100 and Lomography Lady Grey 400, which I haven’t tried yet.
Here are some photos from last year. All of them were taken with Minolta XD-7.
<Ilford Pan 100>
<Washi Z 400>
<Washi Z 400>
<Washi Z 400>
<Kodak Tri-X 400>
<Kodak Tri-X 400>
<Kodak Tri-X 400>
<Kodak Tri-X 400>
<Kodak Tri-X 400>
<Kodak Tri-X 400>
There are more photos and some final thoughts in the second part (will be published soon).