Fahrradtour entlang des Tamsui Flusses
An einem sonnigen Samstag im Juli...

Redscale Taipei
Die Redscale Fotos von Zeitlauf haben mich...

Buildings of Taipei – special issue: cages
If this is your first visit,...

Taipei at night
Recently I realized, that I didn’t...

Photos from Taipei taken with Lomo Lubitel 166 Universal
xplore my journey with the Lomo Lubitel 166 Universal, a vintage TLR camera in medium format photography. Discover its unique challenges and see sample photos.

Baishajia Leuchtturm an der Westküste Taiwans – ein kurzer Besuch
– for English version please scroll...

Buildings of Taipei – Set 6
If this is your first visit,...

Taiwan B/W – first time using Agfa APX 100 (new emulsion)
Eventually winter is over and summer...

Buildings of Taipei – Set 5
If this is your first visit,...
Taiwan B/W – My attempt on black & white photography, part 2
In the first part I wrote...

Taiwan B/W – My attempt on black & white photography, part 1
Last year (2016) I started to...